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Breast Cancer Awareness: Knowledge is Your Best Defense


Breast cancer remains the most common cancer affecting women in Malaysia, according to the Malaysia National Cancer Registry. The report highlights alarming statistics showing an incidence rate of 38.9 per 100,000 women between 2017 and 2021. This emphasises the ongoing challenge posed by the disease.

It's imperative to spread awareness, encourage early detection, and implement preventive measures to combat this leading form of cancer. By taking proactive action, we can significantly improve survival rates and lessen the overall impact of breast cancer in Malaysia.

You Know Your Body Better Than Anyone

Understanding your body is one of the most empowering things you can do for your health. When it comes to breast health, getting familiar with how your breasts look and feel normally is essential. This familiarity can help you spot any unusual changes, which might indicate a potential health issue, including breast cancer. Remember, most breast changes, like lumps, are not cancerous. However, the earlier breast cancer is detected, the more successful treatment tends to be.

Detect breast cancer early

Breast self-examinations can be a simple and effective way to keep track of your breast health. Here are three easy steps to help you perform a self-examination:

1. TOUCH Your Breasts

Take a moment to gently feel your breasts. Use the pads of your fingers to check for any new or unusual lumps or areas of hardness. You should be familiar with how your breasts feel normally, so any changes can be more noticeable. Be sure to check all areas, including the sides and under your arms.

2. LOOK for Changes

Stand in front of a mirror and visually inspect your breasts. Look for any changes in size, shape, or colour. Notice if there are any unusual dimples, swelling, or changes in the skin texture. Also, check for any discharge from the nipples, as this can be another sign of an issue.

3. CHECK Any New or Unusual Changes with a General Practitioner (GP)

If you notice anything that seems different from what you’re used to, don’t hesitate to consult your GP. They can provide a professional assessment and determine if further investigation is necessary. Early intervention can be key in managing breast health.

Why Self-Examinations Matter

Regular self-exams can be an important part of maintaining your breast health. They not only help you become more aware of your body but can also reduce anxiety by ensuring you’re informed about your health status. The goal is to detect any changes early, as early detection is crucial for effective treatment.

Remember, while self-exams are important, they don’t replace regular breast cancer screenings and professional evaluations. Always follow the guidelines provided by your healthcare provider regarding mammograms and other breast cancer screenings.

Taking control of your breast health starts with knowing your body. Make breast self-examinations a regular part of your health routine and encourage others to do the same. Your body is unique, and you are your best advocate when it comes to your health. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and most importantly, stay proactive about your breast health.


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