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A Cancer Survivor's Story


This is Tom. Say hi to Tom!

Tom is a 42-year-old who has battled cancer twice in his life. Although he has made it through both his cancer diagnoses, it has been an arduous and difficult journey for Tom.

He is thankful that he signed up for the eCritical Early Care plan two years ago with a Sum Insured of RM250,000, He was in good health at the time of signing up.

One year after getting the plan, he was diagnosed with carcinoma in-situ (early-stage cancer). Due to Tom's early diagnosis, he was able to claim 50% of his Sum Insured under eCritical Early Care, which was RM125,000.

The lump sum payout allowed Tom to rest at home while going for his chemotherapy treatment, which costs around RM5,500 per cycle.

Additionally, it helped with medical expenses for treatment and recovery, including medication, supplements, and special dietary requirements.

Tom was declared cancer-free after going through 2 cycles of chemotherapy. Hooray!

After a year, Tom found out the cancer had returned in a more aggressive form, and he was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer.

To focus on recovery full-time, he had to resign from his high-paying job. Tom was able to claim the remaining 50% of his eCritical Early Care Sum Insured (RM125,000), which allowed his family to cover their daily living costs and his medical expenses and hire a private nurse to take care of him.

Critical illnesses like Tom's can strike at any age and at any time. It is estimated that 1 in 10 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. It is important to have a plan in place to prepare for any potential medical emergency.

Sign up for eCritical Early Care today. This plan covers 50 Early and Advanced critical illness conditions from as low as RM16*/month.

A critical illness plan provides you with financial security in the event of a critical illness diagnosis to give support during your recovery stage.

*This premium is based on a male non-smoker aged 18 with Sum Insured RM250,000

Terms and conditions apply.


Receive a lump sum payment of up to RM250,000 upon diagnosed with any critical illness including Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack, Kidney Failure and more.

From as low as RM1.20/Day*

Terms and conditions apply.

This story is a hypothetical scenario and does not contain a real customer journey.

Pantai Hospitals, (2023). https://www.pantai.com.my/ms-my/oncology/cancer-statistics-malaysia

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